There are several versions of the Egg Diet that are circulating on the Internet. The most popular version of the diet does not actually consist of eating only eggs but it does involve getting the majority of your protein from egg.
This diet is basically a variation on the Atkins diet where the focus is on restricting carbohydrate intake. In this version of the diet you eat two or more eggs for breakfast along with, grapefruit, low carbohydrate vegetables or lean protein.
Lunch and dinner includes either another serving of eggs or a small portion of lean protein such as fish or chicken. Salads and low carbohydrate vegetables are usually allowed as desired however fruits are generally limited to one to two serves daily. Other carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta and potatoes are strictly limited.
Another version of the diet is called the ‘Egg and Grapefruit Diet’ and this involves eating half a grapefruit with each meal. The rest of the diet plan is very similar to that outlined above.
The most extreme version of the diet involves eating only hard-boiled eggs and drinking water or crystal light drink mix.