This diet is basically a version of a Candida diet.
There are three basic principles that are at the foundation of the plan:
This first is the addition of cultured foods to the diet such as fermented vegetables, organic yogurt and kefir, which is a fermented drink, made from either organic milk or coconut water.
The second principle is to change the quality of fats in the diet. Gates encourages the use of ‘good’ fats such as flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive, and coconut oils.
The third principle involves dramatically reducing carbohydrate and sugar intake. Most forms of concentrated carbohydrates are eliminated on this diet such as grains, potato, sweets, and the majority of fruits. As dieters progress on the diet they may be allowed to carefully increase their intake of fruits, high carbohydrate vegetables, and specific grains.
Gates states that these three factors can have a profound effect on your level of wellbeing and vitality by improving the natural balance of the inner ecology. Gates also introduces dieters to the concept of food combining which she states is very important to improve digestive function.